Hi there! I am Regina

✨ As a self-taught freelance photographer, teacher, and owner of Studio R Photography in Northeastern Pennsylvania, photography is my passion. I always strive to capture that next best shot, and I rarely leave home without my camera. I'm constantly scouting new places to explore and photograph.

✨My interest in photography began at a young age, as my uncle was a portrait photographer with a studio in Queens, New York. He often showed me his cameras and lenses and taught me how to develop film. When I was 13, he bought me my first digital camera - an Olympus Stylus 300 3-Megapixel. I fell in love with the instant gratification of seeing the photo immediately, unlike with film, and that's when I became hooked on photography.

✨During high school, an art teacher took an interest in my photography and encouraged me to pursue my passion. I entered my first art show in tenth grade and won first place, which was an incredible feeling. From then on, I made photography a part of my life and never stopped learning or enhancing my skills. I always strive to make my next photograph better than the last.

✨It's difficult to narrow down the type of photographer I am, as I love photographing a variety of subjects. I enjoy capturing the beauty of flowers, chasing sunsets, spying on animals, and capturing the ebb tide. With the establishment of my studio in 2021, I branched out of my comfort zone and began to capture people. I love connecting with families, making photo sessions fun, and seeing smiling faces when a hesitant model sees their photograph has given me great joy.

✨I love photography because it helps preserve a moment that may never happen again. Every photograph has a story, and I want to help you tell yours! Let's connect!

“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… It remembers little things long after you have forgotten everything.”